Book it

Choose your date

On the calendar below, you can see the available dates, as well as the departure times, select your time slot with a simple click.

Fill in the form

Send your registration by filling in the form fields, enter the number of people, then validate.


You receive a thank you email, then a confirmation email from our team. In case of problem we will contact you.

Payment on the spot

Payment will be made on site when you come to the vélorail site, at reception. Payment accepted: Cash, Checks, Holiday vouchers. No Credit Card.


Choose your date

On the calendar below, you can see the available dates, as well as the departure times, select your time slot with a simple click.

Fill in the form

Send your registration by filling in the form fields, enter the number of people, then validate.


You receive a thank you email, then a confirmation email from our team. In case of problem we will contact you.

Payment on the spot

Payment will be made on site when you come to the vélorail site, at reception. Payment accepted: Cash, Checks, Holiday vouchers. No Credit Card.

On the calendar below, you can see the available dates, as well as the departure times, select your time slot with a simple click.

Choisissez une heure de départ sur le calendrier :

Veuillez remplir le formulaire ci-dessous pour valider votre demande de réservation. Le nombre de personne est limité :

  • 1 réservation = 1 vélorail
  • Si vous êtes plus de 5 merci de faire plusieurs réservations !
  • Capacité d'1 vélorail :
  • 4 adultes maximum (si pas d'enfant)
  • 5 personnes si vous avez des enfants.

Vous recevez un mail de remerciement, puis un mail de confirmation de la part de notre équipe. En cas de problème nous vous contactons.

Un sms de rappel vous sera envoyé 24 avant le départ.



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